
  • Hvaležnost. Gratitude

    V sredini februarja sem pričela po navdihu nekega podcast pogovora pisati ‘dnevnik hvaležnosti’.

    Skoraj vsako jutro zapišem v droben zvezek  tri stvari, za katere sem hvaležna in tri glavne cilje za dan, ki je še svež in nepopisan pred mano. Preden grem spat pa v mislih prevrtim vse, kar se je zgodilo, kaj sem mislila in čutila ter zapišem tri najboljše stvari, ki so se mi zgodile in pa tri nova spoznanja.

    Preprosto, ravno prav kratko, neobremenjujoče.

    In mid-February, inspired by a podcast conversation, I started writing a ‘gratitude journal’.

    Almost every morning, I write down in a tiny notebook three things I am grateful for and three main goals for the new day that is fresh and unwritten. Before I go to bed, I reflect in my mind everything that has happened, what I have thought and felt, and write down the three best things that have happened to me and three new discoveries about myself, my work, my attitude, habits etc.

    Simple, short, unburdening.

    Mala nova navada, ki mi obrača življenje na bolje in mi nudi krasen in iskren vpogled v to, kdo sem in kaj mi je zares pomembno.

    A small new habit that is making my life better: it is giving me a wonderful and honest insight into who I am and what really matters to me.

    Zakaj to pišem na Resin blog? Malce zato, da podelim dobre stvari z vami in povabim k tej preprosti praksi še koga, malce zato, ker mi je dnevnik še dodatno odprl oči glede tega, koliko mi ustvarjanje za Reso pomeni.

    Why am I writing this on Resa’s blog? Firstly, to share the pleasure of good things; secondly, to invite you to join this simple practice and thirdly, because this diary has opened my eyes to see how much creating for Resa means to me.

    Hvaležna, da lahko ustvarjam, se veselim, se učim. Seveda me kdaj tudi zvija od skrbi in ne vem, kako naprej. Vendar ostaja prevladujoč občutek hvaležnosti za vse priložnosti, ki so mi dane.

    I am really grateful to be able to create, to have fun, to learn. Of course, sometimes I’m really worried and I don’t know how to go on. But what remains is an overwhelming sense of gratitude for all the opportunities that was given to me.

